Jumat, 30 September 2011

How to get a credit report Oregon

how to get a credit report Oregon

"Fair Isaac has done a good job of almost having a monopoly," says Chris Larsen, founder of E-Loan and Prosper.com, online consumer lending services. "Now we see the bureaus themselves trying to take over that business." As this rivalry heats up, consumers need to know that buying a credit how to get a credit report Oregon score from Experian or TransUnion generally means you are not buying your FICO score. Or Experian's Plus score or TransUnion's TransRisk score. "The thing that concerns us the most is how to get a credit report Oregon that they're not telling consumers the scores they're buying are different, and they're implying their proprietary scores are the ones used by everybody," says Fair Isaac COO Michael Campbell. free credit report without credit card

The only place consumers can buy FICO scores are at Fair Isaac's consumer website, myFICO.com, or at Equifax.com. Equifax is the only bureau that sells FICO scores to consumers. While trying to rebuild his credit to buy a house, William Palmer, 26, a tech professional in Chattanooga, Tenn., found that the credit scores he purchased online from Experian and TransUnion were 30 to 40 points higher than his FICO score, purchased from MyFico. "The scoring system is all over the board," Palmer says. check my free credit report The how to get a credit report Oregon bureaus say their websites offer extensive guidance.

And they say VantageScore and their proprietary scores do as well as Fair Isaac's FICO score in pegging a person's creditworthiness. While declining to answer questions about Wendy Temple, TransUnion's Katz noted that the TransRisk score assesses "how lenders are likely to view them as a loan candidate." Maybe so, how to get a credit report Oregon but Temple's hopes were dashed because no one told her that her TransRisk didn't correlate how to get a credit report Oregon with her FICO score. She was trying to rebound from bankruptcy, stemming from taking a lower-paying job so she could help her ill mother. free credit reports instantly

With her accountant's training and penchant for online research, she believed she was pretty savvy about online credit services.

"I thought I was finally on my way to rebuilding my credit," she says. "Boy, was I mistaken." Acohido reported from Seattle; Swartz, from San Francisco.

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